::unusual:: is a band straight out of brussels where we 're trying to create our own atmosphere, to share our feelings. We always wanted to play the kind of music which described us best. unusual is the compromise which's the nearest. We 're getting our influences from different kind of music such as: Wise up, Arkangel, Course of Action, Spirit of Youth, Kindred, Dead Blue Sky, Morning Again, As Friend Rust, Beyond my Dreams, Caliban,..and many other ones.
The whole thing started in july 2000...we were all playing in other bands (all RIP). We decided to start a new band which was at first composed of Sélim (guitar), Gilles (bass guitar), Raphaël (drums) and a few months later came our singer: Stephan. In March 2002, Olivier joined the band as a second guitarist. The songs are always the same kind of music [passionate newschool metal hxc] : that's unusual, guys who want to share their passion of music, stage with the others.
We 're trying to develop emotions in our songs!! We want to share our passion of music with people.We want people having fun, expressing their feelings . We ‘d like that when they listen to our music,they feel it deep inside.
What keep us motivated is the fact that we can play the kind of music we like. It’s more the desire to make people feel, to share our strongest emotions through our songs,to make people understand our passion for music and that each guy can express himself the way he feel when he ‘s listening our music. hxc’s to us a spirit, it’s not only listening to it or going to shows, it’s the fact to share our emotions through our songs.
[::unusual:: passionate newschool metal hxc straight out of brussels ::]
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