concert: Rotten Apples (USA) in The Rambler op DONDERDAG 19 OKTOBER 2006

19 OKT
ROTTEN APPLES (USA) 20:00 uur The Rambler, Eindhoven
Hoofdprogramma Rotten Apples
Voorprogramma Low-F
Toegang 7,-

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 19 oktober 2006.
Dat is 6686 dagen geleden.


4 girls (Ex – Pinups, Ex- Amazombies )from Seattle, USA come and show you that Rock’n’Roll it’s not just boys fun! But that’s not all! They will catch you with their songs of finest Punk’nRoll with a dash of New Wave and sure the brilliant voice of the female singer can’t leave your ears! Because of this and their home port Seattle they were often called the “sisters of the Briefs”.In America their record was sold out.

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