concert: Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band in De Oosterpoort op DINSDAG 02 OKTOBER 2012

  • Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band
    Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg
    © Charles Batenburg
  • Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band
    Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg
    © Charles Batenburg
02 OKT
GORAN BREGOVIC WEDDING AND FUNERAL BAND Grote zaal, 20:30 uur De Oosterpoort, Groningen
Toegang 45 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op dinsdag 02 oktober 2012.
Dat is 4538 dagen geleden.

Foto's van Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band

Foto Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band te Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg Foto Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band te Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg Foto Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band te Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg Foto Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band te Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg Foto Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band te Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg Foto Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band te Goran Bregovic - 30/9 - Melkweg
Bekijk alle 20 foto's van Goran Bregovic Wedding and Funeral Band

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