concert: Walk The Plank (UK) + Reproach (BE) + Room13 in Little Devil op VRIJDAG 13 OKTOBER 2006

13 OKT
WALK THE PLANK (UK) + REPROACH (BE) + ROOM13 21:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Reproach
Voorprogramma Room 13
Toegang 5

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 13 oktober 2006.
Dat is 6719 dagen geleden.


Vrijdag 13 oktober 21:00u:
Walk The Plank (UK) [old school hardcore]
+ Reproach (BE) [hardcore / thrash / punk]
+ Room 13 [harcore punk]
Best band out of Liverpool ever! (well, maybe after the Beatles). Musically, Walk The Plank draw inspiration from eighties HC bands mixed with a slightly modern sound from bands like Voorhees. The last influence isn’t so strange if you know that Walk The Plank contains ex-members of Voorhees and Withdrawn. Live this band really puts up a killer show. Reproach is the band that puts Belgium on the thrash hardcore map! Influenced by bands such as DRI and INFEST, this band released their first demo in 2000. Five years, a full-length, a slew of 7 inches and a US tour later, they may well be one of the fastest and hardest thrash bands around.
Voor, tussen en na de bands: DJ John (milkman)
Entree zaal: €5,- (café vrij toegankelijk)

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