concert: War Ina East in Atak op ZATERDAG 30 MAART 2013

30 MRT
WAR INA EAST 22:00 uur Atak, Enschede
Toegang Ticket: €20,00
Aan de deur: €27,50

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 30 maart 2013.
Dat is 4314 dagen geleden.


Herbalize-it Sound is all about giving quality entertainment as so many of you already know. With 2012 on the brink of expiration we look forward to 2013 and re-introducing another edition of the notorious War Ina East clash. More reason for the world not to end on 12 December in our opinion. But seriously, putting all jokes aside, the line-up for the next edition of War Ina East would excite any true clash fan the world over.