concert: Eyehategod (USA) + Exhumed (USA) in Little Devil op MAANDAG 29 JULI 2013

  • Exhumed
    Ieperfest 2011
    © Willem Schutte
  • Exhumed
    Ieperfest 2011
    © Willem Schutte
29 JUL
EYEHATEGOD (USA) + EXHUMED (USA) 20:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Eyehategod
Voorprogramma Exhumed
Toegang 12

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op maandag 29 juli 2013.
Dat is 4236 dagen geleden.


Eyehategod (USA) + Exhumed (USA)
ma 29 jul 20.00 uur
Entree:€ 12,00

I know it sounds like a joke as D.R.I. was initially supposed to play Little Devil that day first, and now we announce this. After their tour cancellation, two offers for these bands came in. WE ARE AS EXCITED AS YOU ARE TRUST ME!!!!

Foto's van Eyehategod , Exhumed

Foto Eyehategod te Roadburn 2010 Foto Eyehategod te Roadburn 2010 Foto Eyehategod te Roadburn 2010 Foto Exhumed te Ieperfest 2011 Foto Exhumed te Ieperfest 2011
Bekijk alle 3 foto's van Eyehategod
Bekijk alle 2 foto's van Exhumed

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