concert: Bloodshedfest 14 in Dynamo op ZATERDAG 12 OKTOBER 2013

  • The Secret
    Soulcrusher 2019
    © Susana Martins
  • The Secret
    Soulcrusher 2019
    © Susana Martins
12 OKT
BLOODSHEDFEST 14 Concertzaal, 13:00 uur Dynamo, Eindhoven
Toegang Dagkaart: €20,00
Combiticket: €35,00

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 12 oktober 2013.
Dat is 4085 dagen geleden.


Like every year, the Dutch (and worldwide) grinders come together to Eindhoven Rock City, to the legendary Dynamo club to worship the most extreme and vile styles of music. Rejoice in grindcore, power violence, crust, punk, death metal and trash. After the unveiling of the first name, a new list of awesome brutal names is now bestowed upon the disease ridden minds of the depraved. Prepare for a new festival of annihilation on October 11/12, the apocalypse has begun!

Foto's van The Secret , The Shining , Undergang

Foto The Secret te Soulcrusher 2019 Foto The Secret te Soulcrusher 2019
Bekijk alle 2 foto's van The Secret

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