concert: Rise A Thousand in Little Devil op VRIJDAG 08 DECEMBER 2006

08 DEC
RISE A THOUSAND 21:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Rise A Thousand
Voorprogramma Blind Trash

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 08 december 2006.
Dat is 6669 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Vrijdag 8 december 21:30u:
Note To Amy [heavy rock / metal]
+ Rise A Thousand [alternative / metal]
+ Blind Trash [crossover / metal / rock]
A new musical entity has risen from the ashes of various successful Dutch bands. It's name is Note to Amy. And its goal is to combine different styles of punching rock into a new form of heavy music. Rise A Thousand is a very promising new band from brabant that produces a great metal sound and screaming vocals. Blind Trash is a hard working band from Tilburg that makes razorsharp rock.