concert: Roy and the Devils Motorcycle (CH) in Little Devil op ZATERDAG 30 DECEMBER 2006

30 DEC
ROY AND THE DEVILS MOTORCYCLE (CH) 22:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 30 december 2006.
Dat is 6641 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Zaterdag 30 december 22:00u:
Roy and the Devils Motorcycle (CH) [rockabilly / country-blues trash]
This quartet of greasy haired Swiss misters from halfway up a swiss mountain combines rockabilly, country/blues trash and psychedelia fueled by raging feedback. Like Germany's Hank Wray, Roy & the Devils Motorcycle fall under "Death Country", the european equivalent for psychobilly. Rather than a sound similar to Texas Reverend Horton Heat or the Cramps, Roy & the DMC adds to the sonic stew looping effects, sound clips, and deafening feedback.