Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 27 februari 2014.
Dat is 3968 dagen geleden.
JARA plays imaginative indie-folk: fragile, narrative tunes with a rough edge. The band drum on ukeleles, make the bass sing along, dance to little synthesisers and hum along through the mandolin. Songs are written by singer and songwriter Jara Holdert, and are woven together into a warm, colourful blanket with the rest of the band
Check them:
€ 3,00 euro for the band till 21:00 pm
After 21:30 --> Jamsession/Open Podium
Lets Jam! / Jam session
What we have: --> a drumkit, 1 bass amp, 2 guit amps, 1 keyboard Nordstage 2 , a 'house' bass and an acoustic guitar, PA with monitor and 4 mics + stands.
you need to bring your most positive self.... ego can be left at home :-)