Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 11 april 2014.
Dat is 3980 dagen geleden.
“I rarely endorse anything these days, and if I do it has to be really interesting, really good and honest and unique. This record has all the right ingredients. Solid playing and singing and a great choice of material. Hearing these boys kick off the Jimmy Martin classic 'You Don't Know My Mind' is fantastic, because they know this music, and you don't have to be from Kentucky or Nashville to know this music, to feel and understand the soul of bluegrass. That's what it's all about. The Boogiemen swing and they swing hard and fast.”
-Chris Hillman (The Byrds-The Flying Burrito Brothers-Manassas-The Desert Rose Band) … in zijn linernotes voor The Blue Grass Boogiemen-album Delivering The Grass (2013).
Foto's van Blue Grass Boogiemen