concert: Big One in De Pul op ZATERDAG 11 OKTOBER 2014

11 OKT
BIG ONE 19:30 uur De Pul, Uden
Toegang Voorverkoop € 22,00 (excl. servicekosten)
Avondkassa € 26,00

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 11 oktober 2014.
Dat is 3803 dagen geleden.


“The Big One "The European Pink Floyd Show", were born in 2003, with objective of proposing shows absolutely unique, able to captivate the audiance with the wonderful sound and lights show of Pink Floyd. As the most important national newspaper say: we are the best Pink Floyd tribute band in Europe. Taking advantage of the most qualifying audio/video Italian technicians, we settled up a lot of shows seen by thousands of Pink Floyd fans, from all over Italy , Belgium Holland and Germany. Our “European Pink Floyd Show” has been inserted in the most popular and important national festivals in Italy. We have played in the most famous arenas and important clubs like “Blue Note” (twenty concerts) in Milan, one of the most famous jazz-blues place in Europe. We published, with our label, 3 dvds and 3 cds, live recorded: two in the Roman Theatre of Verona and one in the Temples Valley in Agrigento, Sicily".

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