concert: SOLO Geert Bettens & Jan de Campenaere in Little Devil op VRIJDAG 02 MAART 2007

02 MRT
SOLO GEERT BETTENS & JAN DE CAMPENAERE 21:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Geert Bettens
Voorprogramma Venus In Flames
Toegang 8

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 02 maart 2007.
Dat is 6578 dagen geleden.


Vrijdag 2 maart 21:30u:
Very Special SOLO Evening
With perfomances by:
Geert Bettens (K's Choice (BE) , Woodface(BE))
Jan de Campenaere (Venus In Flames (BE))
Geert Bettens has been the male half of one of belgians most famous bands of all time, K's choice, for over 10 years. He is on the verge of a remarkable come back in the music scene with his first solo album with his band Woodface. Jan de Campenaere has alwys been writing songs and started the band Venus In Flames as a solo artist in 1999. He has won various prices since. His musical style can be compared to Elliott Smith, Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake en Neil Young.
Entrance fee will be €8,-
Reservations still possible only by e-mail to [email protected]

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