concert: The Wrong Kid Died in V11 op VRIJDAG 24 OKTOBER 2014

24 OKT
THE WRONG KID DIED 21:30 uur V11, Rotterdam
Hoofdprogramma The Wrong Kid Died
Toegang 5 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 24 oktober 2014.
Dat is 3785 dagen geleden.


The Wrong Kid Died is a young and heavy metalcore/deathcore 5-piece.

Having started early in 2012 they have played a lot of shows and shared the stage with such bands as Stick To Your Guns, Crimson Falls, Diablo Blvd., Black Tongue, Being As An Ocean, Obey The Brave, Heart In Hand and many more.

After releasing their demo, they are now working on a full length which will come out later this year.