concert: Kjeld in Kiehool op ZATERDAG 14 FEBRUARI 2015

  • Kjeld
    The Great Old Ones - 11/11 - Baroeg
    © Jasper van Vugt
  • Baldrs Draumar
    Into The Grave 2022, dag 1
    © Tim van Veen
14 FEB
KJELD 20:00 uur Kiehool, Burgum
Hoofdprogramma Kjeld
Toegang 7 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 14 februari 2015.
Dat is 3677 dagen geleden.


KJELD - pure Frisian Black Metal

Invoked from the essence of Frisia in 2004, Kjeld is the embodiment of icy ravage in a black metal vessel. In the first years since its birth, Kjeld has focused on devising its core, and in 2010 their first EP was released. Since this release, the concept of Kjeld was further developed, leading to the debut album “Skym”, which is to be released later this year through Hammerheart Records.

BALDRS DRAUMAR - Rough Frisian Viking Metal

Baldrs Draumar is a Viking/Folk Metal band hailing from the north of the Netherlands. The band’s name represents the prophetic dreams of the Norse god Baldr. Baldrs Draumar was founded in 2008 by Schaduwlied, Zuypschuyt and Dondervuyscht

COLDBLOODED - Oldschool Frisian DeathMetal

Their sound is like war between the street thugs from Cleveland
(Ringworm) and the vikings from Sweden (Dismember) and you're witnessing it from the first frontlines.

Foto's van Kjeld , Baldrs Draumar , Coldblooded , Cold Blooded

Foto Kjeld te Vltimas - Legion Of The Damned - Kjeld - 24/03 - Iduna Foto Kjeld te Vltimas - Legion Of The Damned - Kjeld - 24/03 - Iduna Foto Kjeld te The Great Old Ones - 11/11 - Baroeg Foto Kjeld te Vltimas - Legion Of The Damned - Kjeld - 24/03 - Iduna Foto Kjeld te Vltimas - Legion Of The Damned - Kjeld - 24/03 - Iduna Foto Kjeld te The Great Old Ones - 11/11 - Baroeg
Bekijk alle 8 foto's van Kjeld
Bekijk alle 6 foto's van Baldrs Draumar