concert: Stone In Egypt in Musicon op ZATERDAG 31 JANUARI 2015

31 JAN
STONE IN EGYPT 20:00 uur Musicon, Den Haag
Hoofdprogramma Kalamata Band Stone In Egypt
Voorprogramma Holz

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 31 januari 2015.
Dat is 3692 dagen geleden.


Stoner/Doomrock Stone in Egypt started in 1997 in Emmeloord, the Netherlands.
After the 5 track demo 'Kathmandu Dreampiece', signed a deal with ColdBlood Industries for their debut album 'Stone in Egypt' which was released in november 2000. the album was accepted very good by the international musicpress.
In 2014 . is alive and kickin' again with lots of gigs and plans for a new album, to be released in 2015!