concert: Jeru the Damaja + The Beatnuts + Dj Smoothcee in Willemeen op ZONDAG 12 APRIL 2015

12 APR
JERU THE DAMAJA + THE BEATNUTS + DJ SMOOTHCEE Zaal, 19:00 uur Willemeen, Arnhem
Hoofdprogramma Jeru the Damaja
Voorprogramma Dj Smoothcee
The Beatnuts
Toegang vvk: 15 Euro
Entree aan de deur: 17,50 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 12 april 2015.
Dat is 3621 dagen geleden.



Jeru The Damaja (US)

Speaking out against what he saw as a decline in rap during the mid-'90s, Jeru the Damaja came to the fore as a self-proclaimed prophet and the savior of hip-hop, much as KRS-One had done almost ten years before. Jeru first appeared as a guest on Gang Starr's Daily Operation album, and his own deal with Payday/ffrr appeared soon after, resulting in 1994's The Sun Rises in the East. Though he made few friends in the rap world — given his outspoken criticism of such popular figures as the Fugees and Sean "Puffy" Combs — he proved a vital force in the emergence of the new rap consciousness of the late '90s.

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