concert: The Tuts in Sugar Factory op VRIJDAG 02 OKTOBER 2015

  • Amber Arcades
    London Calling #1 2016 - vrijdag
    © Irwan Notosoetarso
  • Amber Arcades
    London Calling #1 2016 - vrijdag
    © Irwan Notosoetarso
02 OKT
THE TUTS Grote Zaal, 19:30 uur Sugar Factory, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma The Tuts
Voorprogramma Amber Arcades
Toegang 7,50

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 02 oktober 2015.
Dat is 3366 dagen geleden.


The Tuts are an all female pop-punk trio from West London. Infectious guitar led pop, wrapped around fiery drums, sharp tongues and splendid harmonies. Kate Nash raved: ‘they are currently the best UK band I’ve seen live in a really long time’. In 2014 Billy Bragg invited The Tuts to play his LeftField stage at Glastonbury – it became an unforgettable live show. The Tuts’ music owes something to the Libertine’s brash, devil-may-care aesthetic but they are not fashionable, and hopefully never will be. Here is a band that possess that irrepressible spirit unique to independent DIY bands. The Tuts are coming…

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