concert: Citizen (USA) / Turnover (USA) in Winston op VRIJDAG 22 JANUARI 2016

  • Citizen
    The Story So Far - 02/10 - Melkweg
    © Joyce van Doorn
  • Citizen
    The Story So Far - 02/10 - Melkweg
    © Joyce van Doorn
22 JAN
CITIZEN (USA) / TURNOVER (USA) 19:00 uur Winston, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Citizen Turnover
Toegang € 13,- presale

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 22 januari 2016.
Dat is 3338 dagen geleden.

Concert uitverkocht
Citizen (USA) / Turnover (USA) in Winston is uitverkocht.
Dit concert was uitverkocht.


Almost two years to the date of the release of their breakthrough album, Citizen return with their highly anticipated follow-up full-length, Everybody is Going to Heaven. The quintet has reached the stage where it's dying to take its punk and hardcore influences and turn them into something new. Balancing melodic composure with heavy outbursts is a constant challenge for bands like this, but Citizen sounds like it knows exactly what it wants to do.

With a sound that's driving and plaintive, contemplative and catchy, Turnover capture the uncertainty of emo-pop greats like the Get Up Kids and Texas Is the Reason. Based out of Virginia Beach, Virginia, the quartet, made up of Casey and Austin Getz, Danny Dempsey, and Eric Soucy, jumped onto the scene in 2011 with a self-titled EP. A split single with Citizen followed the next year before the band would make its full-length debut in early 2013 with Magnolia on Run for Cover Records. Their so

Foto's van Citizen , Turnover

Foto Citizen te The Story So Far - 02/10 - Melkweg Foto Citizen te The Story So Far - 02/10 - Melkweg Foto Citizen te The Story So Far - 02/10 - Melkweg
Bekijk alle 3 foto's van Citizen

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