concert: Messer Chups (RU) & The Surfaders (NL) in Winston op ZATERDAG 14 NOVEMBER 2015

14 NOV
MESSER CHUPS (RU) & THE SURFADERS (NL) 21:00 uur Winston, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Messer Chups
Voorprogramma The Surfaders
Toegang 9 euro presale, 12 euro door

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 14 november 2015.
Dat is 3392 dagen geleden.


Messer Chups (RU) are back at the Winston Kingdom!!!

The outstanding Russian surf-trio is back with a rockin' set of oldies and newies on the 14th of November 2015...
Messer Chups are coming from ersburg, Russia. In their music they combine surf, film samples, scratchy historical recordings, loungy cartoon sounds from the 50's and 60's.

Support by: The Surfaders (NL)