concert: Avery Plains / Homemade Empire in Winston op ZATERDAG 24 OKTOBER 2015

  • Homemade Empire
    Pascal Pinon - 18/10 - So What!
    © Gertjan van der Loo
  • Avery Plains
    Eurosonic Noorderslag 2016 - Woensdag
    © Irwan Notosoetarso
24 OKT
AVERY PLAINS / HOMEMADE EMPIRE 21:00 uur Winston, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Avery Plains
Voorprogramma Homemade Empire
Toegang 7.50 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 24 oktober 2015.
Dat is 3347 dagen geleden.


Saturday 24th of October at the Winston Kingdom:

Avery Plains is an alternative Pop/Rock band from Groningen. Energetic melancholic songs that wander through the history of pop music in the broadest sense of the word. Melodies, noise, dark country, intimate, wall of sound, with a sense of psychedelica.

Homemade Empire is the work of musician Bart de Kroon. With an array of instruments - guitars, piano, bandoneon, synth, organ, drums and a shaky voice - he creates music that ranges from quiet folk songs to psychedelic drones. The compositions might accumulate to a fever dream, but never without the knowledge that there’s always a friend next to your bed who will take care of you, wipe your forehead and feed you soup.

Foto's van Avery Plains , Homemade Empire

Foto Avery Plains te Le Guess Who? Mayday 2013 Foto Avery Plains te Le Guess Who? Mayday 2013 Foto Avery Plains te Eurosonic Noorderslag 2016 - Woensdag Foto Avery Plains te Le Guess Who? Mayday 2013 Foto Avery Plains te Eurosonic Noorderslag 2016 - Woensdag Foto Avery Plains te Eurosonic Noorderslag 2016 - Woensdag
Bekijk alle 8 foto's van Avery Plains
Bekijk alle 3 foto's van Homemade Empire