concert: Feather & the White / Einfach Kurt in Winston op ZATERDAG 31 OKTOBER 2015

  • Einfach Kurt
    Eindfeest Popronde 2014
    © Esme van der Kleij
31 OKT
FEATHER & THE WHITE / EINFACH KURT 21:00 uur Winston, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Feather & the White
Voorprogramma Einfach Kurt
Toegang 5 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 31 oktober 2015.
Dat is 3413 dagen geleden.


Feather & the White = 2 best friends; a blond Amsterdam kid who likes to harass his guitar, and a bearded country boy with a sandpaper voice that likes drumming more than beer.
They are proudly releasing their 3rd EP "It's Hard To Ignore It" at the Winston and you should prepare yourself for a night full of bluesy and folky garage-rock.

Support is Einfach Kurt, a band that plays dark murderballads, sweaty pre-war blues and nightclub-noir songs, accompanied by contrabas and pinching percussion.

Foto's van Einfach Kurt

Foto Einfach Kurt te Eindfeest Popronde 2014
Bekijk alle 1 foto's van Einfach Kurt