concert: JPK Band in Stage Music Cafe op ZATERDAG 17 OKTOBER 2015

17 OKT
JPK BAND 22:00 uur Stage Music Cafe, Eindhoven
Hoofdprogramma JPK Band

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 17 oktober 2015.
Dat is 3434 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


JPK Band
In the year 2000, Jan Pieter Kuijten put together his own band. A formation of three they play strong Rhythm & Blues and raunchy Rock music. Pretty fast they conquered many bars and festivals and became famous with their original work.
In May 2002, their first album CD "Knife and Gun" was released with 8 of their own JPK songs. So far, more than 40 of their own songs have been written and released.

Their music has been described as a hurricane that unexpectedly sweeps over you and afterwards, leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction and contentment. During their enthusiastic and energetic live performances, they never fail to connect with the audience, pull them into what invariably ends up as one big party.