Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 21 november 2015.
Dat is 3393 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Once in a while when the universe aligns itself and all that is chaos chimes together, an evening arrives when the forces of good join up to shake the world from its prewinter slumber and celebrate all that is wonderful, wicked and wild. Ladies and Gentlemen that night has arrived. The Irrational Library has conspired with the universal forces to bring together on one night two noble street fighting musicians, two men who have travelled the globe and entertained sinners and saviors alike, bringing euphoria For the first time ever sharing the stage on the same night the infamous accodion antics of Geoff Berner aka “The Whiskey Rabbi” (featuring Wayne Adams and Briga ) and banjo maniac raconteur “Curtis Eller's American Circus”! Oh what a wonder, what a show this will be. SO we invite you all, young and old, curious and bold to come on down and celebrate nothing less than the fantastic together.