concert: Physical Graffiti in Manifesto op ZATERDAG 27 FEBRUARI 2016

  • Physical Graffiti
    Physical Graffiti - 05/01 - Boerderij
  • Physical Graffiti
    Physical Graffiti - 05/01 - Boerderij
27 FEB
PHYSICAL GRAFFITI 21:00 uur Manifesto, Hoorn
Hoofdprogramma Physical Graffiti
Toegang vk: € 12,50,-
Deurverkoop: € 15,-
Vvk ex fee – ook vvk bij alle Primera winkels

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 27 februari 2016.
Dat is 3262 dagen geleden.


Physical Graffiti has been playing homage to the world’s most famous rock band for over 15 years. Based
in the Netherlands, the band built up a solid reputation mainly throughout the Dutch and German club scene over the last decade, but it wasn’t until singer Andrew Elt was asked to join the ranks as lead vocalist,did the world’s ultimate rock band get it’s ultimate tribute.
With guitarist Daniel Verberk emulating the very essence of Jimmy Page’s guitar sound,
using the same amps, guitars and effects, he not only oozes Page’s cool, he delivers his style of playing so convincingly, you’d think he was being channeled.
Irish native, Dave Harrold, the only original member left, is as quietly convincing as John Paul Jones himself. The heavy grooves and demonic bass lines flow into another dimension, only, on occasion, to be laid to rest for the majestic mandolin.

Foto's van Physical Graffiti

Foto Physical Graffiti te Physical Graffiti - 05/01 - Boerderij Foto Physical Graffiti te Physical Graffiti - 16/02 - Metropool Foto Physical Graffiti te Led Zeppelin By Physical Graffiti - 06/01 - Hedon Foto Physical Graffiti te Physical Graffiti - 17/01 - Metropool Foto Physical Graffiti te Physical Graffiti - 05/01 - Boerderij Foto Physical Graffiti te Physical Graffiti - 11/01 - Hedon
Bekijk alle 57 foto's van Physical Graffiti

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