concert: Longsy + Venus Tropicaux in Cinetol op ZATERDAG 02 APRIL 2016

02 APR
LONGSY + VENUS TROPICAUX 21:00 uur Cinetol, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Venus Tropicaux
Toegang 5

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 02 april 2016.
Dat is 3219 dagen geleden.


Longsy: It will make you go crazy, it will make you move, it will make you go to the toilet, it will make you move into the toilet.
longsy is truthful and honest, yes we are maniacs, just come and check it out.

B: Kieran Smith l G: Raúl Inzaurralde l D: Denise Lopes l V: Gover Meit
longsy is 50% ex-Wooden Constructions and 50% really, REALLY, good music.

Venus Tropicaux
“Three-piece Venus Tropicaux bash out a bracing Ramones/ Shaggs hybrid.”
- Ian Harrison, Mojo Magazine

Tickets at door.

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