concert: Albert Niland in Theater Dina op DONDERDAG 09 JUNI 2016

09 JUN
ALBERT NILAND 20:30 uur Theater Dina, Dedemsvaart
Hoofdprogramma Albert Niland
Voorprogramma Ultan Conlon
Toegang €17,50

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 09 juni 2016.
Dat is 3154 dagen geleden.


Although best known for his acoustic version of "Wuthering Heights" on Irish Radio in 2006, Albert has worked with the cream of Irish musical talent. In 2003, he released his debut album--Dirty Day--, and has since gone on to record six solo albums and build a loyal fanbase throughout Europe. Performing in the prestigious Naked Song Festival in Eindhoven, Netherlands, the International Guitar Festival in France, l'Essaion Theatre in Paris, and recording a live album in the infamous "Paradiso" in Amsterdam in 2008, Niland has earned his international reputation.
Having collaborated with Freddie White on numerous occasions,both live, and in recordings, and having been invited to perform at both the reunions of Planxty, and Moving Hearts in 2007, Niland has earned the respect of his peers.He was invited to be the guitar solist in the original Riverdance show that toured the world from 2000-2003.

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