concert: Iron Reagan in Gebr. De Nobel op DINSDAG 27 SEPTEMBER 2016

  • Iron Reagan
    Dynamo MetalFest 2018
    © Tim van Veen
  • Iron Reagan
    Dynamo MetalFest 2018
    © Tim van Veen
27 SEP
IRON REAGAN Kleine zaal, 20:00 uur Gebr. De Nobel, Leiden
Hoofdprogramma Iron Reagan
Toegang € 12.50

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op dinsdag 27 september 2016.
Dat is 3080 dagen geleden.


IRON REAGAN’S Relapse debut ‘The Tyranny Of Will’ is a 24 song wrecking ball of hardcore- punk/thrash fury. Fronted by the venomously lyical Tony Foresta (Municipal Waste), on paper IRON REAGAN is a Richmond, VA supergroup (the band also features Phil Hall of Municipal Waste, Cannabis Corpse, etc as well as Ryan Parrish of Darkest Hour together with members of Mammoth Grinder).

Foto's van Iron Reagan

Foto Iron Reagan te Dynamo MetalFest 2018 Foto Iron Reagan te Dynamo MetalFest 2018 Foto Iron Reagan te Jera On Air 2018 - Zaterdag Foto Iron Reagan te Jera On Air 2018 - Zaterdag Foto Iron Reagan te Dynamo MetalFest 2018 Foto Iron Reagan te Dynamo MetalFest 2018
Bekijk alle 10 foto's van Iron Reagan

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