concert: Gorath (BE) + Crucifixion (DE) in Little Devil op VRIJDAG 11 MEI 2007

11 MEI
GORATH (BE) + CRUCIFIXION (DE) 21:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Gorath

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 11 mei 2007.
Dat is 6510 dagen geleden.


Vrijdag 11 mei 21:00u:
Gorath (BE) + Crucifixion (DE) + support
[black metal]
From the ashes of chaos rises Gorath... The band's cold black metal is highly influenced by older Norwegian acts like Ulver, Arcturus, Fleurety, Enslaved, Darkthrone, etc. Last year they released a black metal masterpiece "The Fourth Era", on which the band's musical style evolved more and more to black metal with a progressive approach. Crucifixion was founded in 1998 in Germany and their influences include Satyricon, David Lynch, Emperor, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Behemoth, Celtic Frost and Sodom.

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