Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 18 september 2016.
Dat is 3058 dagen geleden.
Live Oscar Cordero 'Chucky' and his Trabuco Guarimba + Steven Brezet single release
Afterparty with DJ Rick
Sunday Sept 18
Salsa Club Mystique
Smaksteeg 19 Amsterdam
(take entrance at Kattengat/Stromarkt)
tickets 10,00
Line up:
Marcial Isturiz - Singer
Ramon Mendeville - Singer
Samuel Ruiz - Bass
Marc Bischoff - Piano
Marco Toro - Timbal
Gerardo Rosales - Congas
Juan Carlos viloria(Bulu) - Bongo
Michael Simon - Trumpet
Frans Cornelissen - Trombon
Pablo posaune - Trombon
Oscar Cordero "Chucky" - Trumpet and Director
Special Guest Steven Brezet - Congas