concert: Sin7sinS in Bibelot op ZATERDAG 15 OKTOBER 2016

  • Sin7sinS
    Delain - 9/11 - Hedon
    © Erik Knevelbaard
15 OKT
SIN7SINS Main Stage, 20:00 uur Bibelot, Dordrecht
Hoofdprogramma Sin7sinS
Voorprogramma X-Tinxion
Toegang 8,50

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 15 oktober 2016.
Dat is 3017 dagen geleden.


Dear fans and friends,

This will be our farewell show. But we will go with a bang! Thrash-heroes X-Tinxion will warm you up with some mind blowing metal before the final Sin7sinS show will commence!

All (former) members will be on stage tonight! We will play songs from all our albums with different line-ups and it's going to be a looooong set!

Be sure not to miss this!

Foto's van Sin7sinS , X-Tinxion

Foto Sin7sinS te Delain - 9/11 - Hedon Foto Sin7sinS te Delain - 9/11 - Hedon Foto Sin7sinS te Delain - 9/11 - Hedon
Bekijk alle 3 foto's van Sin7sinS

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