concert: Blupaint EP release in Winston op WOENSDAG 23 NOVEMBER 2016

  • Blupaint
    The Temper Trap - 14/12 - Paradiso
    © Irwan Notosoetarso
  • Silent War
    Blupaint - 23/11 - Winston
    © Jessy Gabriel

Podiuminfo foto's van Blupaint EP release in Winston

23 NOV
BLUPAINT EP RELEASE 21:00 uur Winston, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Blupaint
Voorprogramma Silent War
Toegang entry €5 / entry + EP €8

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op woensdag 23 november 2016.
Dat is 3023 dagen geleden.


First there was the song, then there was the band. This might sound odd but it’s exactly how Blupaint, centred around singer/guitarist Sebastiaan van Ravenhorst, came about in the spring of 2014. An indie rock band like Blupaint is a rare thing. With their quirky lyrics and powerful hooks these four guys from Amsterdam really stand out in the genre. Although clearly inspired by bands like Kings of Leon and The 1975, their refreshing sound is one of a kind.

Foto's van Blupaint , Silent War

Foto Blupaint te The Temper Trap - 14/12 - Paradiso Foto Blupaint te The Temper Trap - 14/12 - Paradiso Foto Blupaint te The Temper Trap - 14/12 - Paradiso Foto Blupaint te Blupaint - 23/11 - Winston Foto Blupaint te The Temper Trap - 14/12 - Paradiso Foto Blupaint te The Temper Trap - 14/12 - Paradiso
Bekijk alle 14 foto's van Blupaint
Bekijk alle 7 foto's van Silent War

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