concert: Ghostriders / The Beemeeneebees in East End op ZATERDAG 01 APRIL 2017

01 APR
GHOSTRIDERS / THE BEEMEENEEBEES 19:00 uur East End, Moordrecht
Toegang 8 euro deur 5 euro voorverkoop
voor bestuurders van classic car's of bike's is de toegang gratis

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 01 april 2017.
Dat is 2893 dagen geleden.


Ghostriders 70s Rock & Roll band Influenced by bands like "Shotgun, Matchbox, Crazy Cavan, Whirlwind, CSA" as well as original 50's British Rock and Roll, but playing mainly own material`
The BeeMeeNeeBees , named after the Bahamas island Bimini, is a new Rockabilly act with a female
singer from the Ruhrarea of Germany.Their unique style is a fantastic mixture of great Rockabilly classics and own material.