concert: Hocico in PoGo (Podium Gorcum) op DONDERDAG 30 MAART 2017

  • Shaârghot
    Downhill Festival 2018
    © Jarka van der Velden
  • Shaârghot
    Downhill Festival 2018
    © Jarka van der Velden
30 MRT
HOCICO 20:30 uur PoGo (Podium Gorcum), Gorinchem
Hoofdprogramma Hocico
Voorprogramma Shaârghot
Toegang vvk:€15,00

Tickets at: hocico-sharghot-terrifying

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 30 maart 2017.
Dat is 2905 dagen geleden.


Dark Electro bij PoGo!

Netherlands: exclusive show!
Hocico Official:
Constantly exploring new musical concepts, Hocico creates dark and aggressive sounds: nightmarish atmospheres, classical landscapes, and driving beats charged with adrenaline and fury.
Coming from his cyber-punk world Shaârghot appeared in the French music scene with the refinement of a steamroller! Help with his “Shadows” Shaârghot tend to organize a huge event to dynamite everything!

Terrifying was formed in 2008 by Arjan en Natalie.
In 2012 they released their first album "Next Level". The style is electro/Industrial with dark melodies.


Foto's van Hocico , Shaârghot , Terrifying

Foto Hocico te M'era Luna 2018 - Zondag Foto Hocico te Amphi Festival 2017 Foto Hocico te Amphi Festival 2017 Foto Hocico te M'era Luna 2018 - Zondag Foto Hocico te M'era Luna 2018 - Zondag Foto Hocico te M'era Luna 2018 - Zondag
Bekijk alle 9 foto's van Hocico
Bekijk alle 8 foto's van Shaârghot

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