Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op woensdag 03 mei 2017.
Dat is 2765 dagen geleden.
De Baron is Utrecht-based rockextravaganza. Stories about travels, homesickness and the baron himself, interpreted by tearing brass, barking drums and razor-sharp lyrics. The baron is a prominent figure in these stories, and the eight members of his court guide the audience through the chambers of his palace. This is his house, his palace, his dinner and his view; surrounded by his walls. This is his biotope.
And tonight, this also is his EP-presentation.
Support: Ard Zacht is a civil servant of the marriage between words and music. Delivering his music in a poetic manner, Ard combines suspending sounds with unexpected structures and musical experiments. And, he is always on the lookout for extreme contrasts: the blackest black and the whitest white.
That's Ard Zacht.