concert: Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires in Annabel op VRIJDAG 08 DECEMBER 2017 (AFGELAST / VERPLAATST!)

  • Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires
    Down The Rabbit Hole 2016 - Zaterdag
    © Irwan Notosoetarso
  • Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires
    Down The Rabbit Hole 2016 - Zaterdag
    © Irwan Notosoetarso

LET OP: Volgens onze informatie is dit concert (Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires in Annabel) afgelast of verplaatst. Bekijk de officiele site het podium voor verdere informatie.

08 DEC
CHARLES BRADLEY & HIS EXTRAORDINAIRES 19:00 uur Annabel, Rotterdam (door: Rotown )


Opnieuw hebben we triest nieuws over de gezondheid van Charles Bradley, want wederom is bij hem kanker geconstateerd. Zijn volledige tour is gecanceld, waaronder het concert van 8 december in Annabel.

Charles Bradley has announced the cancellation of all upcoming tour dates due to illness.
The beloved soul singer was diagnosed with stomach cancer last fall and, after undergoing treatment and beating it, he returned to the road this past spring. He began to feel run down during recent tour dates and learned that his cancer spread to his liver, though hasn't returned to his stomach. He will be taking time off to focus on treatment and recovery and wants to let his fans know that he's heartbroken but not giving up. He was successful beating the stomach cancer and is ready to fight this new battle.
"I love all of you out there that made my dreams come true," notes the 68-year old. "When I come back, I'll come back strong, with God's love. With God's will, I'll be back soon."

Foto's van Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires

Foto Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires te North Sea Jazz 2014 - dag 3 Foto Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires te Down The Rabbit Hole 2016 - Zaterdag Foto Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires te North Sea Jazz 2014 - dag 3 Foto Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires te North Sea Jazz 2014 - dag 3 Foto Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires te Down The Rabbit Hole 2016 - Zaterdag Foto Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires te Down The Rabbit Hole 2016 - Zaterdag
Bekijk alle 12 foto's van Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires

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