concert: Purpendicular in The Jack op VRIJDAG 08 SEPTEMBER 2017

  • Purpendicular
    Monsters of Mariaheide 2017
  • Purpendicular
    Monsters of Mariaheide 2017
08 SEP
PURPENDICULAR 23:45 uur The Jack, Eindhoven
Hoofdprogramma Purpendicular
Toegang 10

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 08 september 2017.
Dat is 2734 dagen geleden.


Purpendicular, was formed in October 2007 by Irish Vocalist/Frontman Robby Thomas Walsh.
The success Story of Purpendicular is nothing Short of amazing, as in the First Touring year the Band completed a short European Tour with Original Deep Purple Drummer Ian Paice.
The First two years the Band completed Shows in mainly Austria & Germany.
In 2010, the Band were Invited to Russia St Petersburg and perform with the Legendary Vocalist of Rainbow, Deep Purple & Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Lynn Turner.

By the year 2011, The Band underwent a complete revamp, Bringing in new Players who had Performed with Jon Lord the Concerto For Group & Orchestra in 2009.
This change was mainly due to Tour much more than before and get established in many other Countries.
In Purpendicular are using and sharing the Same Drum Kit and Set up as Ian Paice.

By 2012 the Band embarked on the Official 40th Anniversary Tour of Machine Head which was endorsed by Ian Paice.

Foto's van Purpendicular

Foto Purpendicular te Ian Paice / Purpendicular - 01/12 - Patronaat Foto Purpendicular te Ian Paice / Purpendicular - 04/12 - Metropool Foto Purpendicular te Monsters of Mariaheide 2017 Foto Purpendicular te Ian Paice / Purpendicular - 04/12 - Metropool Foto Purpendicular te Cityrock Leeuwarden 2017 Foto Purpendicular te Ian Paice / Purpendicular - 04/12 - Metropool
Bekijk alle 23 foto's van Purpendicular

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