concert: Susan Santos in Den Heilige Cornelius op ZONDAG 12 NOVEMBER 2017

12 NOV
SUSAN SANTOS 18:00 uur Den Heilige Cornelius, Roermond
Hoofdprogramma Susan Santos
Toegang 5 Euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 12 november 2017.
Dat is 2675 dagen geleden.


A great passion for the music led Susan Santos to learn, in a self-taught way, how to play guitar and sing. Step by step the lefty guitarist and singer was creating her own songs and her particular style of understanding the music.
After several bands, and two discs recorded, in 2009, she moved to Madrid and formed a band with her own name, This is her more powerful project, a power trio that mixes blues and rock & american roots.

She played in so many clubs & festivals in Spain, other countries in Europe & in USA too ( Los Angeles, Lonch Beach & Chicago).

She recorded 4 cds "Take me home", (Grasa Records, 2010), "Shuffle Woman" (Peer Music,2012) and “Electric Love” (Paella Records,2014) & this year “Skin & Bones” (Paella Records,2016).