concert: bFake in Dokhuis Galerie op DONDERDAG 06 SEPTEMBER 2018

06 SEP
BFAKE 19:00 uur Dokhuis Galerie, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma bFake

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 06 september 2018.
Dat is 2377 dagen geleden.


Amsterdam!! bFAKE is coming back for you! After the wonderful show in Pacific Parc 14th July we are getting our FAKE asses ready for Dokhuis Galerie. You do not want to miss this one very special show, and we don't come alone! Instead of our loud fake extravaganza we have an all acoustic set ready for you. Messa Music will join us with his guitar!

As if this one and only special show isn't exciting enough, we got another faking cool thing going on. In September you can visit Dokhuis Galerie and try to figure out how the brain of Da Bruin works through his art! Yessa, his paintings and artwork will be shown for the whole month and they are for sale!