concert: Dead Heat / Voidcrawler / Serve in Paard op DONDERDAG 07 NOVEMBER 2019

07 NOV
DEAD HEAT / VOIDCRAWLER / SERVE Paardcafé, 20:00 uur Paard, Den Haag
Hoofdprogramma Dead Heat Serve Voidcrawler

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 07 november 2019.
Dat is 1944 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Legendarische hardcore band Dead Heat komt uit de USA speciaal naar het Paardcafé!

Dead Heat have been around for a couple of years; they released their debut EP in 2016. And they’ve just dropped the nine-song debut album Certain Death. Certain Death is very much within the crossover-thrash lineage, and it includes a cover of “Trapped,” a 1986 track from the Crumbsuckers, the New York band who helped to define the sound. (That’s the album-closing secret song.)

But what makes Certain Death so great is that Dead Heat don’t play it like it’s some retro genre to revive. Instead, they play it like it’s urgent and vital fight music.

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