concert: Zeus + One Inch Men in Little Devil op ZATERDAG 08 MAART 2008

08 MRT
ZEUS + ONE INCH MEN 22:00 uur Little Devil, Tilburg
Hoofdprogramma Zeus
Voorprogramma One Inch Men

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 08 maart 2008.
Dat is 6161 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


Sat Mar 8: Zeus + One Inch Men (v.a. 22.00 uur)
Met optredens van:
Zeus (heavy rock)
One Inch Men (stoner metal)

Zeus, since 2003, Amsterdam, 4piece band, and yes including the (in)famous side-jobs-singer. Influenced by old Black Sabbath / Led Zep & nineties grunge & stoner like Fu Manchu, Alice in Chains, Goatsnake, Karma to Burn. Their new 2nd album [07] has 10 tracks of heavy rock, melodic groove and even a bit of doom. Lots of stage experience and best served loud & live!

One Inch Men from our own Tilburg since 2002, well known in Brabant and beyond. Possibly the first stoner-metal band..., mixing groovy sounds and musical impact of bands like Karma to Burn and Kyuss’ song One Inch Man. Heavy rock machine based on tight drums and two guitars, trained & tuned during various live performances. Studio results till now are 2 EPs called ‘The Opinionated Prick’ and ‘RED’.

Foto's van Zeus , One Inch Men

Foto Zeus te Geuzenpop 2008 Foto Zeus te Geuzenpop 2008 Foto Zeus te Geuzenpop 2008
Bekijk alle 3 foto's van Zeus

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