concert: Doka Live | Instant Fame in Doka - Volkshotel op DONDERDAG 14 NOVEMBER 2019

14 NOV
DOKA LIVE | INSTANT FAME 20:00 uur Doka - Volkshotel, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Instant Fame
Toegang 5 euro

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 14 november 2019.
Dat is 1906 dagen geleden.


Doka Live is all about music. Live music without musical boundaries. From radical garage-bands to smoky jazz-ensembles. You can see and hear it all in our basement.

This time we're welcoming Instant Fame, an Amsterdam based three-piece live band using conventional instruments, synthesizers, multiple loopers, MIDI-sync and improv to carry out something they like to call 'live producing'. Ranging from vintage styles to contemporary electronic music.