Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 28 november 2019.
Dat is 1929 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Doka Live is all about music. Live music without musical boundaries. From radical garage-bands to smoky jazz-ensembles. You can see and hear it all in our basement.
Every other month we welcome Afrogrooves, a growing community of people with great love and curiosity for West-African music. During open jam sessions hosted by Mark Oomen (Zitakula) the mesmerizing vibrations of afrobeat, afrofunk and highlife are explored and celebrated. The sessions start with a prepared repertoire played by an ensemble of drums, percussion, bass guitar, guitar, keys, horns and vocals. After the opening session, the stage is inviting music lovers of any flavour and instruments of all kinds.