Dit was een virtueel bij te wonen concert
Let op! Dit concert was alleen online (via een stream) te volgen.
Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 06 februari 2021.
Dat is 1444 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Scumbash 4.2 live stream
We know, it sucks being at home, not going to gigs so we decided if we can’t bring you to the bands, we’ll bring the bands to you. We asked our friends at Baroeg, Rotterdam to help us organize Scumbash 4.2, a live stream of three of our favorites, SPEEDMOBILE, DIE NAKSE BANANEN and the legendary BATMOBILE!!!
Now you actually CAN dance like nobody’s watching so crank up the volume and rock out with your cock out celebrating a dirty decade of decadence, debauchery and dapper Dutchmen. Raise your glasses to the gods and demons of rock ‘n’ roll, we may have all grown ten years older but remember: we were old school before it was cool…
We stream via twitch/baroeg
Foto's van Batmobile , Die Nakse Bananen , Speedmobile
Bekijk alle 3 foto's van Die Nakse Bananen
Bekijk alle 4 foto's van Speedmobile
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