concert: Claw Boys Claw in Vera op DONDERDAG 16 JUNI 2022

  • Claw Boys Claw
    Claw Boys Claw - 5/4 - Tivoli
    © Marcel Poelstra
  • Claw Boys Claw
    Claw Boys Claw - 5/4 - Tivoli
    © Marcel Poelstra
16 JUN
CLAW BOYS CLAW Mainstage, 20:00 uur Vera, Groningen
Hoofdprogramma Claw Boys Claw

Nieuwe datum verplaatst concert

Dit concert stond eerder voor zaterdag 11 december 2021 in onze agenda, maar werd verplaatst naar donderdag 16 juni 2022.

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 16 juni 2022.
Dat is 968 dagen geleden.

Overzicht tickets dit concert
Tickets Claw Boys Claw in Vera
do 16 jun
Vera, Groningen
€ 20,00


God help the beast in Claw Boys Claw, for they are the expert representatives of a truly deranged performance mentality ever to dwell on the Dutch club circuit. On-stage, the band’s main attraction is lead singer Peter Te Bos, quite possibly a species of the same breed as Jeffrey Lee Pierce, Nick Cave circa the Birthday Party, and Stooges-era Iggy Pop. Obviously inspired by these better-known U.S. colleagues, between 1983 and 1997 Claw Boys Claw succeeded in carving their own piece of garage rock and punk blues , introducing subtle doses of psychedelia and country on 1997’s Will-o-the-Wisp. Although never officially disbanding, nothing was heard from them thereafter until a 2007 live reunion and a new album, 2008’s Pajama Day.

Foto's van Claw Boys Claw

Foto Claw Boys Claw te Monsters of Mariaheide 2017 Foto Claw Boys Claw te Booch? Festival 2008 Foto Claw Boys Claw te Paaspop 2019- vrijdag Foto Claw Boys Claw te Beerland 2016 Foto Claw Boys Claw te Fuzfest - 27/09 - Paradiso Foto Claw Boys Claw te Dicky Woodstock 2018
Bekijk alle 138 foto's van Claw Boys Claw

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