event: Monsoon Worldvibes in Studio K op VRIJDAG 25 APRIL 2008

25 APR
MONSOON WORLDVIBES 21:30 uur Studio K, Amsterdam
Toegang 10,-

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op vrijdag 25 april 2008.
Dat is 6165 dagen geleden.


Heavy, Heavy, Heavy grooves from around the globe. Conscious clubbing for the 21st century global village!

(1 euro of your money goes towards Butterflyworks projects around the world, learn more www.butterflyworks.org)

Raining beats all nights! from resident dj's Stefano, and Eagle-I, also guest dj’s and live world percussion.
visuals from vj Squid.

www.monsoon-worldvibes.com voor meer info