concert: Lane 8 in Paradiso op ZATERDAG 07 MEI 2022

  • Lane 8
    We Are Electric 2018
    © René Obdeijn
  • Lane 8
    We Are Electric 2018
    © René Obdeijn
07 MEI
LANE 8 Grote Zaal, 20:00 uur Paradiso, Amsterdam
Hoofdprogramma Lane 8

Nieuwe datum verplaatst concert

Dit concert stond eerder voor zaterdag 04 december 2021 in onze agenda, maar werd verplaatst naar zaterdag 07 mei 2022.

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zaterdag 07 mei 2022.
Dat is 960 dagen geleden.

Overzicht tickets dit concert
Tickets Lane 8 in Paradiso
za 07 mei
Paradiso, Amsterdam
€ 22,50


"We are so bombarded with negative energy at the moment, especially on the internet, and in my opinion you have to literally and consciously remove yourself from the loop at times to remember all the positive and amazing things happening every day. ‘Brightest Lights’ is about focusing on that positivity in the world.”
Released in January 2020, Lane 8's third album ‘Brightest Lights’ captures the positivity and emotion of the Lane 8 DJ experience, as well as offering more of the reflective and emotional songwriting featured on his last LP. Join him at his concert in Paradiso on December 3 and 4, 2021.
The album tour will once again promote his This Never Happened concept, with the dance floor becoming a phone and photo-free space. Leave your phone. Experience the moment. This Never Happened.

Foto's van Lane 8

Foto Lane 8 te We Are Electric 2018 Foto Lane 8 te We Are Electric 2018
Bekijk alle 2 foto's van Lane 8