Dit was een virtueel bij te wonen concert
Let op! Dit concert was alleen online (via een stream) te volgen.
Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden
Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 13 oktober 2022.
Dat is 879 dagen geleden.
Concert gratis
Three separate artists, one big livestream! A unique audiovisual livestream curated by Kiiro and supported by his close friends. Together with LorryRast and Yung Penta, Kiiro is determined to show you how great the hip-hop scene from Rotterdam is! Kiiro is set on grabbing your attention with his lyrics, his word choice and his rapping style, LorryRast will make sure you cannot sit still with his head-bobbing sound and Yung Penta will blow you away with his unique hip-hop, trap, dark sound.