concert: Dread Pitt x GÂRDEN livestream op DONDERDAG 05 JANUARI 2023

05 JAN
DREAD PITT X GÂRDEN 21:00 uur GÂRDEN, Rotterdam
Hoofdprogramma Dread Pitt
Toegang Free / Pay What You Can

Dit was een virtueel bij te wonen concert

Let op! Dit concert was alleen online (via een stream) te volgen.


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Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op donderdag 05 januari 2023.
Dat is 795 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Deze livestream was gratis te bekijken.


Entering the vibrant trap scene in 2013, the 26-year-old producer from Rotterdam Dread Pitt has made a name for himself by consistently releasing music independently and on influential labels, working with talented artists, receiving impressive sync placements, and performing shows in multiple countries. Recently, Dread Pitt has discovered his true sound in world music, aiming to broaden your musical horizon by blending the traditional with the modern, the organic with the electronic, and the obscure with the familiar. Featuring Aristoteles, Josimar Gomes and Mr Carty.