concert: EUR. TOUR 2023(NL)- As Night Falls/Hyperstasis/Akoesta in The Jack op ZONDAG 12 FEBRUARI 2023

12 FEB
EUR. TOUR 2023(NL)- AS NIGHT FALLS/HYPERSTASIS/AKOESTA 20:00 uur The Jack, Eindhoven

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 12 februari 2023.
Dat is 751 dagen geleden.

Concert gratis

Dit concert was gratis.


As Night Falls (symphonic/progressive metal from Poland) was founded in 2010. Since then band released: 2 EPs (My secret place (2010) ,From Grace To Oblivion (2014) ) and 2 albums (Embrace the Journey (2016) , Awareness (2021) ) and played in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom.
As Night Falls was hailed by audience and media in Poland as a "Polish Nightwish".
Right now you can find in their music some progressive, symphonic, electronic metal music styles.

HYPERSTASIS is an eclectic mixture of a groovy rhythm section with low tuned guitars and post-hardcore vocals, with a pinch of electronic samples and spacy post-rock attitude. Established in 2018 by a group of people who found themselves via the internet instigated by Mark Cruncher.